
Building Bridges: Core Concepts & Frameworks for Enhancing Diversity Informed Practice

Chandra Ghosh Ippen is the Associate Director of the Child Trauma Research Program at the University of California, a member of the Board of Directors of Zero to Three and a co-developer, along with Alicia Lieberman and Patriacia Van Horn, of Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP).

In this seminar Chandra will provide an overview of frameworks and core concepts for enhancing equity and diversity informed practice

Through metaphor, visuals and clinical vignettes the workshop offers pathways to help practitioners acknowledge and address the impact of historical trauma when working with children and families. Participants will also have an opportunity to apply frameworks presented to rich case vignettes. Participants will gain practice identifying and addressing diversity-related ports of entry within the case material and integrating historical and sociocultural trauma into their case formulations.


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