
Improv Workshop: Come & Try!

Do you want to improve your public speaking skills, be a better performer, or feel more comfortable when put on the spot?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, or you just want to have a truckload of fun, improvisation is for you!

Improvisation has been made popular by TV shows like 'Middleditch & Schwartz', 'Thank God You’re Here' and 'Whose Line is it Anyway?', and now you can join On the Fly’s experienced teachers to explore its core concepts in our Come & Try Improv workshop.

*** What Is Improv? ***

Improvisation is a form of unscripted theatre where all scenes, story and characters are created on the spot. In improv, there are techniques and principles that guide you through each moment. These make improvisation learnable and doable for all.

Improvisation is fun, creative and playful and helps you develop your own creativity, spontaneity, self-confidence, public speaking and free-thinking. Lots of laughter too!

*** What Will Happen In The Workshop? ***

The workshop (and improvisation as a whole) is collaborative and supportive, and you will never be expected to ‘perform’ on your own. This is a supportive learning environment.

This starts with ice breaker games, where playful silliness is encouraged! Everyone is involved and gets to know each other through playful games. After warming up, we will lead into simple, very short improvised skills, scenes and games.

*** COVID-19 Policies ***

Due to government restrictions and to help everyone feel safe at this workshop, you are asked to follow the following guidelines: 

- There is a strict limit of 19 participants per class, so please do not attend unless you have already booked your ticket online. Please make sure you leave the premises before the next group. 

- If you are feeling sick, do NOT attend. Let us know before the workshop and we can offer you a refund (the more notice the better, but any time before the workshop is fine). 

- You are asked not to touch anyone during the workshop, practice physical distancing and maintain good hand hygiene 


Cost: $12 full price/ $7 concession (our discounted price for getting everyone back into improv after the pandemic!)
Date: 8:15 - 9:45pm, Wednesday 8 July
Venue: The Joinery, 111 Franklin St, Adelaide SA 5000
Dress code: Casual and comfy
Experience Needed: None

*** BOOK NOW ***


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