
O Go My Man

Adelaide College of the Arts Acting, Technical Production and Design Students present:

 O Go My Man  by Stella Feehily 
                                by Special Arrangement with Dominie Pty Ltd.

Directed by Charles Sanders

Meet Neil - a foreign correspondent - & his publisher wife Zoe. Meet Sarah - a struggling actress - & her photographer partner Ian. Neil and Sarah have been conducting an illicit affair for almost a year. After years of discontent maybe this relationship is a new beginning. But how can these people manage their own lives when they've got to deal with an ambitious TV producer called Elsa, a war in Sudan, a celebrity chef, an immigrant called Alice who keeps popping up at the most inconvenient of times, and a 15 year old daughter - Maggie  - who wants to be famous?

'O Go My Man' (an anagram of monogamy, for those so inclined) dissects the ways that we try (and fail) to deal with our personal issues in a world of 24 hour news cycles, celebrity culture and #firstworldproblems. 

Contains coarse language, adult themes and partial nudity.


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