
Rival Grasp

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance) and Diploma of Live Production Students present

The Graduating Dancers Double Bill performance of

Rival  by Pascal Marty

My hand against hers, it feels familiar somehow. It’s like I’ve always known how to touch, and yet have forgotten.
I seem to disappear; absorbed in her fingers brushing my skin, last border left unchallenged for millennia and uncertain whether to withstand or give in.

Rival is a research on touch and intimacy in an environment where it would’ve been forgotten. It questions the need for connection, proximity and defines the skin as an armour and a weapon as well as a surface for exchanges.


Grasp  by Larissa McGowan

To grasp the notion of our reality and provoke what we perceive. We search our world as it distorts & manipulates the state in which we exist.

X Space Theatre

39 Light Square Adelaide

7.00pm   28 November – 1 December   2018




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